August 21, 2016

Jonas Cornelsen - “God Calls Us to Rest”

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Jonas Cornelsen, CMU grad and musician, spoke about genuine Sabbath-keeping from the lectionary texts. As Jesus pointed out in the example of the crippled woman he healed, the break we should be taking on the holy day is not from any kind of work (based on legalistic rules), but from pursuing our own interests. Max Weber (1864-1920) exposed how the Christian work ethic has fueled modern capitalism by falsely treating material success as a sign of God's favour. Jonas challenged us to look for ways of living that allow us to value rest and justice more than work and wealth. Will we do with joy what honours God? [KH]


Passage: Isaiah 58: 9b – 14; Luke 13: 10 -17; Psalm 103; 1 - 12
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Jonas Cornelsen
Worship Leader: Henry Neufeld
Song Leader: Veronica Dyck
Pianist: Andre Pekovich
Usher: Chris Skinner
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