October 09, 2016

Frieda Epp - “My Experience with God and the Word”

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On Thanksgiving Sunday, Frieda Epp (PGIMF) spoke of God and her paintings. As “People of the Book” who historically minimized the value of icons, we can better understand the scriptures by seeing the text portrayed through visual arts.  Frieda took up painting at age 65, beginning with traditional renditions of flowers and landscapes.  But she soon felt compelled to explore 'real' life around her, creating paintings which force her (and viewers) to contemplate how faith relates to people such as the homeless, a nun washing the feet of a prostitute, a typically-slumped beggar sitting on a Vancouver sidewalk.  She also often draws inspiration from songs, such as "We are climbing Jacob's ladder". [JEK]



© 2016 Frieda Epp (five paintings) © 2016 Frieda Epp (five paintings)





Passage: Matt 5:1-12; Matt 7:24-27; John 13:1-20; Matt 25:31-46
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Thanksgiving
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Frieda Epp
Worship Leader: Catherine Cooper
Song Leader: Curtis Funk
Pianist: Curtis Funk
Usher: Ed Epp
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