March 08, 2015

Glenn Sawatzky - “Ought we to Cleanse the Temples of our Hearts?”

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Glenn Sawatzky's sermon was sub-titled, "Jesus' Disruptive Action in Jerusalem, in John, and in Us" because there are 3 ways that we can encounter the story of Jesus driving the money-changers out of the Temple:

  1. As a lectionary text for Lent: what must you clear away in your life to prepare for Easter?
  2. As part of the Gospel of John's narrative: through the lens of the Cross, as a sign of his upcoming passion.
  3. As a historic account of what Jesus wanted to clearly demonstrate: that exploiting the poor offends God, so the church must not be complicit in perpetuating an unfair economic system.
Is it "business as usual" this Lent, or do we have the courage to account for our role in the injustices of our world?


Passage: Exodus 20:1-20; Psalm 19; John 2:13-25
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Lent III + Abendmusik Lenten Vespers @ St. Philip's Anglican Church
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Glenn Sawatzky
Worship Leader: Kevin Hiebert
Song Leader: Veronica Dyck
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Ed Epp
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