March 08, 2020

Henry Klippenstein - “How do we experience God, Part 2”

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Henry Klippenstein gave the second of two talks entitled, “How do we experience God?”, in which he explores two contrasting approaches to experiencing God as individuals, as well as the ways in which people can experience God through relationships. The first method, which involves a careful and at times imaginative listening of thoughts, is covered in T. M. Luhrmann's book, "When God Talks Back". Luhrmann documents the nature of the supernatural experiences that the people of the Vineyard movement claim to experience, and concludes that these people are psychologically healthy individuals. The second method involves contemplative prayer, in which one dedicates time each day to silence and shut off their mind. Though harder than it might first appear, the only trick needed to achieve it is wanting to do it in the first place. It is important to realize, however, that neither of the two methods will be adequate if one does not recognize God in the person sitting next to you. [JL]


Communion: No
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Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Henry Klippenstein
Worship Leader: J. Evan Kreider
Song Leader: Angela Ruthven
Pianist: Deberah Shears
Usher: Caleb Yang
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