About Us
Our Story
Founded in 1986, PGIMF is a lay-run Mennonite congregation. Though our spiritual heritage is Anabaptist-Mennonite, we come from a variety of traditions and ethnic backgrounds, and we freely borrow worship styles and liturgical elements from other traditions. Sunday worship is at 10:00 a.m. in the chapel of Menno Court (1750 East 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC) and also available virtually on Zoom (hybrid).
Our Mission
PGIMF exists to minister in the spirit of Christ, with an Anabaptist perspective, to:
• residents of the Metro Vancouver and beyond
• the university and educational community
• those looking for an open, inquiring, participative faith community.
Our ministry seeks to foster wholeness through:
• personal commitment to Jesus Christ
• worship that is joyful and exalts God
• fellowship, mutual care and study
• discipleship ministries that empower and bring reconciliation.
Ministry of the Laity
Our worship time includes hymn singing, bible readings, responsive readings, prayers, teachings, and the opportunity to share your prayer concerns and praise items. We are known for our tradition of also encouraging open dialogue during time set aside for responses to the “talk” (which may or may not always fit into the category of a traditional “sermon”).
When we meet in person, all are welcome to stay for coffee, tea and snacks.
Our ministries are all led by the laity — we rely on faithful volunteers to handle all aspects of our work. Please visit the ‘Volunteer’ page to see the many roles that we take on.
PGIMF is a member of Mennonite Church British Columbia and Mennonite Church Canada. We chose to leave membership in the Mennonite Brethren Conference in August 2022 but remain supportive of some of their ministries. You can follow the links to the various Anabaptist-Mennonite organizations with which we are in touch.