History & FAQ

Where is PGIMF?

Sunday worship is at 10:00 a.m. in the chapel of Menno Court (1750 East 41st Avenue, Vancouver, BC) and also available virtually on Zoom (hybrid).

From 1986 to March 2020, the congregation rented the chapel of Menno Simons Centre, 4000 West 11th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, but that facility has been sold by the Pacific Centre for Discipleship Association (PCDA). The association is building Menno Hall, a larger facility across the street from the University of British Columbia and Regent College. https://pcda.bc.ca/

When and how was PGIMF established?

In 1986, a small group of people started the Pacific Centre for Discipleship Association, initially for the purpose of operating the Menno Simons Centre. A number of these people also started Point Grey Fellowship. Since these people came from Mennonite Brethren, General Conference, and Old Mennonite backgrounds, they had the vision of establishing an inter-Mennonite congregation. The congregation eventually changed its name to Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship and was a member of both the Mennonite Brethren and Mennonite Church Conferences for many years. In 2022, the congregation decided to leave the Mennonite Brethren Conference. For more information see news item of April 3, 2022. PGIMF requests voluntary withdrawal from BCMB - Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship

What is PGIMF's Mission Statement?

As a fellowship of Christians, we value God and each other. We invite you to join us as we:

  • Worship on Sundays with ample opportunity for singing, praying and hearing Bible readings. Our morning talks offer insights into scripture, the nature of God, and faith. Our leisurely discussion times encourage us to reflect on the morning’s activities, and raise thoughtful and honest questions with the Fellowship. Our reflective celebrations of the Lord’s Supper remind us we are members of Christ’s Body across the world and the ages.
  • Involve an array of worship leaders and speakers, both members and special guests, young and old.
  • Strengthen our faith intellectually, aided by resources available from the various conferences and its schools and seminaries, Regent College, and the Vancouver School of Theology.
  • Meet by Zoom or in-person, and in both cases encourage interactive participation.
  • Practice lay leadership and encourage active participation in the life of the congregation. Our sense of community and fellowship, coupled with our commitment to consensus building, fosters mutual appreciation and support as we attempt to live our Christian lives in one of Canada’s major metropolitan areas.
  • Build our interest in, and knowledge of, the Anabaptist/Mennonite spiritual heritage as we share with each other our varied interests and perspectives from our various spiritual backgrounds.
  • Learn from each other, whether through open conversation in discussion time, chatting during the coffee hour, sharing lunch, or study groups.
  • Appreciate ways in which the arts can nourish faith and life. The new hymnbook of 2021, Voices Together, has provided opportunities to learn new songs along with singing old favourites. Our worship sheets usually feature art or photography, often created by our congregants. We have a vision of creating an art exhibit section of congregants’ art on our website.

Who is the pastor of PGIMF?

The duties of a pastor are shared by dedicated volunteers in the following ways:

  • The Congregational Care Committee takes care of contacting those who are ill, are experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one, are absent from worship, are experiencing stress, are new to the group. Flowers and cards are sent as appropriate. Celebrations of milestone birthdays and anniversaries are acknowledged.
  • The Worship Speaker Coordinators ensure that each Sunday includes a speaker or a presentation of some sort, for example spiritual journey stories by new members. Many Sundays are based on the lectionary passages.
  • The Worship Leader Coordinator ensures that there is a worship leader for each Sunday. The worship leader coordinates the Sunday worship in cooperation with the speaker and the musician (chosen by the Music Coordinator). The worship leader creates the worship sheet.
  • Communion: Arranged by the worship leader of the day.
  • Baptisms: The board arranges for teaching sessions, sometimes by someone outside the congregation. The actual baptism can be done by someone in the congregation, by the person doing the teaching session, or occasionally, by the MCBC Executive Minister.
  • Marriages: No one in PGIMF is currently designated or licensed, but for individuals wanting to marry who are active at PGIMF and wish to be married, Mennonite Church BC will arrange for a one-time license.
  • Memorial and funeral services: The family is free to choose someone from PGIMF or someone else to conduct the service.

What are some of the scheduled activities of PGIMF?

Subject to change, but please refer to the following list as a starting point:

  • Worship services – 10 am each Sunday, at Menno Court, 1750 East 41st Ave., Vancouver, and on Zoom.
  • Communion – six times a year as appropriate in the liturgical calendar.
  • Coffee hour following worship.
  • Church board meetings – bi-monthly or at the call of the Moderator.
  • Congregational meetings – January (the AGM), April, and October.
  • Church retreat – annually.
  • Vancouver Area Pastors – monthly except in summer. We send a representative.
  • Social events – picnics, potlucks, coffee houses, etc.

Created by Elsie Anne Funk (1927-2024), member of PGIMF beginning in 1987.