July 30, 2017

Laurel Borisenko - “Arts-based Strategies for Peacebuilding”

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Dr. Laurel Borisenko returned to summarize one aspect of the summer course she taught last week at Regent College based on concepts in John Paul Lederach's book, The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace. Transcending violence requires imaginative storytelling by communities with four characteristics: organic interdependence (web of relationships), dynamic curiosity (understand the causes of conflict), artistic creativity, and risk-taking (by including your enemies). She gave examples of artists working in defiance of war: the Leningrad première of Shostakovich's Symphony No. 7, the Sarajevo Film Festival, and the Sevdah Cafe movement in Mostar, Bosnia. Her Ph.D. dissertation is available from the University of Amsterdam: Arts-based peacebuilding: Functions of Theatre in Uganda, Kenya, and Zimbabwe (2016). [KH]


Passage: Proverbs 24:10-14; Joshua 10:28-40; Matt. 5:3-12; 1 Peter 3:8-12a
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Laurel Borisenko
Worship Leader: Andre Pekovich
Song Leader: Michael Despotovic
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Henry Neufeld
Zoom Coordinator:
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Coffee Helper:
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