February 17, 2019

J. Evan Kreider - “"Geist und Wurst"”

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J. Evan Kreider spoke on "Geist und Wurst" in reference to The Affair of the Sausages (1522) – the Swiss Reformation challenge to church-mandated fasting. Abstaining or fasting during Lent can help us focus on prayers of repentance, mourning, or healing. In the 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday (after excluding the 6 Sundays), we might consider giving up certain foods or luxuries and donating the savings to charity. But the Biblical examples of fasting are clear that it must not be for show, and God's desire is that we loosen the bonds of injustice (Isaiah 58:6). [KH]


Passage: Isaiah 58:3-9; Joel 2:12-16; Matt 4:1-4; Matt 6:16-18
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Special music: Silas and Godwin Friesen
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: J. Evan Kreider
Worship Leader: Chan Yang
Song Leader: Paul Thiessen
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Peter Neudorf
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