September 24, 2023

Tasha Carrothers - “Our Unfair God”

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On September 24th, 2023, Tasha Carrothers, a vicar at St. Mary Magdalene, spoke about how the God shown from the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard was an unfair God, and how the Kingdom he wants to create on earth is an unfair Kingdom. In the Parable, the landlord gave the workers who he hired later—the weaker, the older, and the simpler—the same as the people who he hired earlier. It's easy to yearn for this sort of indiscriminate kindness when we're young and untrained, or otherwise disadvantaged, but are we willing to see it in action when we're skilled and ahead? Tasha reminds us that we can't work our way into God's favor ,and we can't earn God's love. [JL]

Tasha Carrothers spoke to PGIMF on the lectionary texts at a 3:30 pm in-person hybrid service in St. Mary Magdalene (2950 Laurel St &, W 14th Ave, Vancouver).


Passage: Ex 16:2-15; Ps 105:1-6, 37-45; Phil 1:21-30; Mt 20:1-16
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: @SMM
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Tasha Carrothers
Worship Leader: Diane Ehling
Song Leader:
Zoom Coordinator: John Lee
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Sound Helper: John Lee


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