February 04, 2007

Lesley-Ann Wilson - “A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman”

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Lesley-Ann Wilson, resident at Menno Simons Centre spoke on the passage from Mark that told of two healings - one of Jairus’ daughter, and the woman who was healed on the way to Jairus’s. The movie Groundhog Day and the lyrics from a popular song by U-2 led Lesley-Ann to comment on how sometimes our situations in life seem like we are stuck forever in circumstances beyond our control, leading us to take desperate measures. Jairus, a synagogue ruler was ordinarily the last person who would have come to Jesus for healing; and the woman who bled for 12 years, as spiritually impoverished as she was ceremonially unclean, would have been pariah in the crowd. Lesley-Ann drew vividly for us the picture of the healing of this woman, so totally unexpected and yet so expected at the same time. Did Jesus need to know to whom the power had gone out of him to? No, he merely wanted to emphasize the healing came not from his clothing or his touch, but from her faith. So too, with Jairus’ daughter, the healing was anticlimactic - the real struggle was for Jairus and his family to have faith. Lesley-Ann applied these messages to the struggle many people have with depression, the ultimate destination of those in incurable circumstances. Her examples from her own life, from those of other students, from the lives of her friends and their illnesses led inexorably to the answer - have faith. In our time, to have faith is to pray. The service closed with the Lord’s Prayer sung a capella in Russian. [AP]


Passage: Mark 5:21-43
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Lesley-Ann Wilson
Worship Leader: Wes Smith
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Erika Hannan
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers: ED & FRIEDA EPP
Coffee Helper:
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Child Care Volunteer:

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