May 28, 2006

Henry Neufeld - “Ascension Sunday”

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Henry Neufeld spoke on the lectionary's Ascension texts, and his talk was followed by a communion service led by Don Teichroeb. Ascension Day, which used to be faithfully celebrated by immigrant Russian Mennonites, commemorates the third ascension recorded in the bible (those of Enoch and Elijah came earlier). Christ's ascension took place forty days after Easter. During those intervening weeks, Jesus continued teaching his followers, but at least one of their questions showed that they still misunderstood even these final teachings because they were still hoping for a revival of David's dynasty (Acts 1:6). Henry paused to ask whether we, like the disciples, are also products of our spiritual backgrounds, congregations or conferences, and whether these influences also make it hard for us to 'think outside the box'. The Ephesians passage (1:20-) reminds us that God has placed all creation under the authority of Christ, and (1:18) the hope to which we are called is that Christ will lead us to the future Kingdom. Henry reminded us that we are not to stand, staring at heaven, nor are we to live in the past, but we are to build our lives on this spiritual hope. The disciples had to learn that things were never going to be the same again--Christ was physically gone--but God is nevertheless in control, and there is therefore hope. [JEK]


Passage: Acts 1:15-17
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Ascension Sunday
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Henry Neufeld
Worship Leader: Don Teichroeb
Song Leader: Andre Pekovich
Usher: N/A
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