February 09, 2003

Henry Klippenstein - “Believers heal, are persecuted, elect deacons”

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Henry Klippenstein spoke on "Signs and Wonders" (Acts 5:12-6:7). The book thus far tells of healing and other miracles which resulted in an explosion of growth for the early Christian group. People were accountable to each other; "all" were healed. Henry then asked what we think today about signs and wonders, telling of a time he was on medication and was simultaneously supported by prayer: Healing took place, but why? Mike Harcourt commented on his journey back to health, "God sometimes disguises himself in coincidences". Today one tends to think Christianity is only a religion for the mind, therefore we have trouble with signs and wonders. When we are sick, we emphasize one kind of prayer and accept one answer--healing, yet the sick need more than physical healing. Fearing that it is possible for signs to become addictive, or that we are seeking to control God's power, we tend to disbelieve signs around us which people from other cultures would embrace as gifts from God. Henry concluded by noting we have many in our congregation who are active in the various healing professions. How do we help them? [JEK]


Passage: Acts 5:12 - 6:7
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Henry Klippenstein
Worship Leader: Janice Kreider
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Pianist: Sue Dudoward
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Herb Reesor


Bring Flowers: Henry & Tena Neufeld
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Heather Schantz

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