September 18, 2005
Steve Thiessen - “Belonging: a Context for Growth”
Sermon Recording: Download
Steve Thiessen, after bringing greetings from Vange who is teaching in Nairobi, spoke on the theme of the community being a context for growth. Each of us is a member of different communities, such as church, family, colleagues, neighbours, or small group. Since antiquity, people have experienced the need to belong to groups. Hos.2:23 built on this premise, "You are my people . . .You are my God." Steve illustrated ways in which his colleagues have encouraged a sense of community when working with disturbed people -- encouraging them through love, gentle teaching and a sense of belonging. When we think of belonging, we tend to think of people with whom we share common financial and social status and similar ideas. Jesus suggested that our little communities should be less exclusive. Paul (Gal. 6:2) asks that they be based on love, forgiveness and serving. Community should never take precedence over the individual. Acts 4 describes community growing through cooperation rather than simply following a single leader. Finally, community should be a group in which we can reveal our woundedness and begin to heal. [JEK]
Passage: Jonah 3:11-4:10
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Mutual Aid Sunday
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No
Speaker: Steve Thiessen
Worship Leader: Veronica Dyck
Song Leader: J Evan Kreider
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Henry Neufeld
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:
Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:
Child Care Volunteer: Cynthia Friesen