March 02, 2003

George and Victoria Hobson - “Concerns in Rwanda and Burundi”

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Victoria Hobson spoke briefly about concerns in Rwanda and Burundi, noting that before Christians there ask for money for their very real needs, they ask for our prayers. She told of an impoverished pastor overseeing 11 congregations with women's groups. During coffee hour, the Hobsons were able to say more to a small group of interested people. George Hobson spoke on the "Conversion of Saul" (Acts 9). This event was so important to the early church that Luke told the story three times in Acts (chapters 9, 22, 26). This was a pivotal story, possibly one of the more important events in world history. Converting was not Saul's first choice. Instead, Luke depicts God breaking into history. This goes against our modern concept of self-determination. In fact, some discount the account of light, blindness and words in the story because of an unwillingness to have the spiritual break into the physical world. In Acts 7, Stephen was stoned after giving a powerful sermon. George suggested that Stephen's sermon and testimony before death helped to prepare Saul for his conversion. Saul did not see God, but saw the reflection of Jesus in Stephen's face. During his three days of blindness, what thoughts went through Saul's mind? Was he dying 'through Christ' and being reborn in the Spirit? Saul obeyed the voice, he "chose to be chosen", he went to Damascus and thought about making a complete change in his orientation towards Judiasm, his refined understanding of the Law, his status, his public stance on religion. God calls each of us in words suited to our situations. Our problem, argues George, is not that of discerning God's voice, but rather that of being quiet and listening to it. [JEK]


Passage: Acts 9
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Lent
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: George and Victoria Hobson
Worship Leader: John Friesen
Song Leader: Ann Marie Neudorf
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Mark Greenstreet


Bring Flowers: Karen Peters & Wally Braul
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Krista Voth

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