July 28, 2002

Henry Neufeld - “Exodus series begins (The Call of Moses)”

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In Henry Neufeld’s introduction to Exodus, Israel multiplied greatly while in Egypt, threatening the Egyptian security even as Egypt’s repressive policies contributed to Israel’s growth. Against this background, the royally-raised Moses flees Egypt for Midian, wanted for murder, and marries Zeporah. God’s call to him is bold, striking and persistent. Henry, remembering Fred Adrian’s message, points out it is not so for others, whose calls are quieter. The other difference seems to be Moses gave different excuses than most of us - no “Too busy” or “I am the wrong person to ask”. Henri Nouwen encourages us, saying “Reaching out to God will not free us from pain and suffering.” Moses’ excuses were “What is your Name?” (I am that I Am); “How shall it be seen that I am from You?” (I will give you a staff); “I can’t speak well” (I will help) and finally “Send someone else” (I give you Aaron). Henry asks how we witness calls in our churches? Some relate calls to gifts - those with talents are called upon to use them - the Benedictines’ mission “Partners with God” and Rebecca Sack’s call being given as examples. Moses was called upon to be politician, crusader and leader, much as William Wilberforce and John Newton were called to end slavery two centuries ago, and God assures us, as he did them that “I will be there with you”. Sharing was provocative, especially Sue Greenstreet’s question “does our confusion over calling arise from our temptation to confuse it with career, especially when most of the world has no chance to hear such a calling because they’re too busy scratching a living out of the soil?” [AP]


Passage: Exodus 3 & 4
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Henry Neufeld
Worship Leader: Kevin Hiebert
Song Leader: Nubia Martens
Pianist: Sue Dudoward
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Angela Ekkert


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