January 09, 2005

Matthia Langone - “Iconography and prayer”

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Matthia Langone spoke on "Iconography and Prayer". A visit to Russian Orthodox sanctuaries in Moscow introduced Matthia to the world of icons, transforming her Catholic thinking about art and worship. Upon her return to Canada, she studied how to interpret and paint icons. She refers to icons as "the gospel in color and form", every line having a meaning. We can think of Jesus as an icon of God--an image (icon) revealing aspects of the reality of the incarnation of God. Icons are to show the transfigured state, giving us role models. In order to paint an icon of Christ, for example, one has to stay within a carefully prescribed tradition of forms and colors. All materials are natural, the wood reminding us of the tree of life, the linen of Christ's being clothed in linen, the alabaster coating being a new surface just like we start afresh at baptism. She then took us through a replica of an icon, helping us understand its ideas and language. Just as one might come across a truly meaningful word when reading scripture, stop and meditate on it, so too some believers stop when encountering scriptural ideas in an icon. Those visual ideas can also led one into new ways of praying and meditating. [JEK]


Passage: Acts 10:34-43
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Matthia Langone
Worship Leader: Rosie Perera
Song Leader: Veronica Dyck
Pianist: Jeff Schulz
Usher: Marcie Good
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