August 13, 2006

Anne Scarrow - “Intercessory prayer”

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Anne Scarrow spoke on "A conversation in prayer". Regardless of whether of our prayers are articulate or contain only the single word, "Help!" God understands and responds. Using the story of Solomon dedicating the temple (2 Chron. 6-7), Anne analyzed Solomon's prayer. Solomon asked that God would watch over the believers day and night (6:20), hearing their cries (even their inarticulate prayers), forgive those who prayed (6:21), creating a spirit of forgiveness among the people (6:22). He also asked that believers be restored through prayer after feeling defeated by enemies (6:25) and that when 'heaven is shut' and lives seem dry, that rain will be sent. He included foreigners by asking that their prayers also be heard (6:32) and also any prayers offered by people far away from Jerusalem who turned in faith towards the temple (6:29). God answered Solomon's very public prayer in the quiet of the night (7:12) rather than during the great spectacle of worship accompanied by the slaughtering of thousands of animals for sacrifice. God promised Solomon to hear and answer prayers. Anne concluded that this generous promise extends to us. [JEK].


Passage: 2Chron 6 and 7; Ps 116:1; Ps 22:3
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Anne Scarrow
Worship Leader: Herb Reesor
Song Leader: J Evan Kreider
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Rovin Karuna
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