May 01, 2005

David Leis - “Living Stones”

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David Leis (Canadian Mennonite University, development etc.) spoke on "Living Stones". Archeological digs often uncover arrangements of stones which give glimpses into the lives of ancient peoples, for buildings reflect something of the lives and thinking of the occupants. 1 Peter 2.4-5 tells us that we are the church, built together as "living stones" and Paul adds (1 Cor. 3.16-17) that we are essentially forming a holy priesthood. As God's children forming spiritual communities, we now have access to the God who used to be encountered primarily in the Holy of Holies. David reflected on Christ as the living cornerstone, on stones having strength (Christ having strength of character and purpose), and on "living" representing that which is warm and relational. In postmodern society, truth is sometimes defined by the surrounding culture, and is therefore relative. As members of our society, we tend to tolerate multiple belief systems. David's challenge to us was that through it all we need to retain not only our own spiritual identities as a holy priesthood but also our community of faith, remembering that it is built of living stones, and that as stones support each other in a structure, so we need yo support each other. [JEK]


Passage: 1Peter 2:5
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: David Leis
Worship Leader: Erna Friesen
Song Leader: Ann Marie Neudorf
Pianist: Cynthia Friesen
Usher: Harold Neufeld
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Kathryn Schmidt

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