December 05, 2004

Lorne Epp - “Loving your Neighbour”

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Lorne Epp (Executive Director of Social Housing) spoke on poverty and homelessness in our province. He began by presenting a medallion commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Housing Society to Helmut Lemke in recognition of his many years of service to this organization (which was begun by MCC-BC). This Society provides housing to people by developing property, building, and then hiring administrators. All of this helps people with low incomes in B.C. They now have six locations with a total of 650 residents, 120 of whom have chronic mental illness. We should not neglect marginalized people. The religious people of Jesus' time were certainly not looking for a homeless underemployed Messiah. Building on ideas in Matthew 25:31-, we are warned that the defense, "If only I had known" will not suffice, and advised that if we help others, it is as though we are helping Jesus himself. We are naturally held back by the fear of becoming too heavily involved, by thinking it is government's responsibility, or by assuming that since these people made mistakes, they now have to live with the consequences. Lorne suggested two alternative thoughts: (1) helping just one person is a start, and (2) anybody might be only one serious life trauma and several pay cheques away from themselves becoming a person in need. [JEK]


Passage: Mt 25:31-46
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Second Advent
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Lorne Epp
Worship Leader: Andre Pekovich
Song Leader: Rosie Perera
Pianist: Cynthia Friesen
Usher: Marcie Good
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