April 10, 2005

David Brubacher - “Moving With God's Spirit”

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David Brubacher, an old friend to several in our congregation, now serves as conference minister to MCEC. During his time in Israel recently, he heard from Jews, Muslims and Christians each desiring to see the reign of our common God established. He spoke on conflicts - in Palestine, listening to stories of loss from Romi, a Jewish Israeli and Abdl, an Palestinian Christian who, despite their differences, found they shared a common bond - and in our Mennonite Church conference where some are creating differences among Christians who should be pulling in the same direction. In the embrace of Romi and Abdl, God’s desire for the world is seen, despite the 8m high wall. What is our response to differences here at home? David points to the John 10 text as a good example of people missing the point. “Are you the Messiah?” the crowd asks. Jesus wonders “Will they ever get the point? “ He did not fit their expectations since he came not as warrior-king, but as shepherd, and the people thought he just have a demon. How familiar that story sounds to individuals, families and communities. He came not to restore their fortunes along with those of the kingdom, but to give a more valuable treasure - eternal life. The church must own its primary call to be a blessing, just as God told Abraham in Gen 10. John 10 concludes with the words that Jesus and the Father are one. Therefore the church must also find expressions of unity as it seeks to do His work. We must be a blessing especially to those we might name as “other”. David asks you to pray about how is God calling you to be his partner in His work. [AP]


Passage: John 10:19-30
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: David Brubacher
Worship Leader: Don Teichroeb
Song Leader: Erna Friesen
Pianist: Kathryn Schmidt
Usher: Marcie Good
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Karl Brown


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
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Child Care Volunteer: Heather Shantz

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