March 13, 2005
Henry Kliewer - “New Territory: New Community”
Sermon Recording: Download
Henry Kliewer (Conference Minister, MC-BC) spoke on Genesis 12.1-12 and John 3.1-21. He marvels that each day gives us new opportunities to experience God's grace in new ways. Abram (Genesis 12) was asked to take a risk by leaving family and creating a new community (much like some of our ancestors have done). Nicodemus (John 3) was also asked to take a risk by traveling spiritually, by joining a new community being formed by Jesus. This new community was characterized by light (Nicodemus came by night, possibly in the darkness of his soul and Jesus told him the new community was quite different), by knowledge (no one can see [light] the Kingdom without undergoing a rebirth or renewal), by faith (just as the Israelites were asked to look in faith towards the snake erected on a pole, so the new community looks up at the cross in faith), by being born again by water and the spirit (being repeatedly renewed), and by love (the sort of love which brings one into rebirth or renewal). Henry noted that whenever Christ's new community is torn apart by divisions (homosexuality, etc.), the community tends to hide its best features from others. Perhaps when this happens, Jesus is asking us, like Nicodemus, to rethink things and embark on a new journey into rebirth. Are we open to renewal? Jesus never drew lines which excluded people, but too many faith communities are now focusing on excluding certain believers. Henry asked whether we are willing to stay around the table, talking with people having points of view which differ from ours, or do we feel that only we have the truth? Perhaps if we can stay together at the table long enough, another way will be revealed to us and the community itself can be reborn and renewed. [JEK]
Passage: John 3:1-21
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Lent V
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No
Speaker: Henry Kliewer
Worship Leader: Andre Pekovich
Song Leader: Rosie Perera
Pianist: Cynthia Friesen
Usher: Rovin Karuna
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:
Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:
Child Care Volunteer: Vange Thiessen