October 06, 2002

Richard Stobbe - “Other Laws”

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Richard Stobbe spoke on Exodus 22_23, another of the pivotal parts of this fascinating story. These chapters come after the escape from Egypt and the receiving of the 10 commandments. Rather than providing the beautiful over-arching principles of the commandments, these chapters present judgments not unlike modern case laws, principles growing out of a newly settled rural economy, laws possibly written several hundred years after settling down. These scattered rules give glimpses into what was actually happening. For instance, one principle which emerges is that people are to pay restitution if damage is caused to others through your negligence. Clearly this was a problem in society, one which civilized people should not settle merely by revenge or an eye-for-an-eye. The chapters also remind one of how today's law is struggling to keep up with developments with the internet (barely covered by older laws). The society in Exodus was developing new social problems faster than the law was able to cover them. Richard suggested that we follow laws because one way we can express our love of God is by acting correctly with other people. [JEK]


Passage: Exodus 22-23
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Richard Stobbe
Worship Leader: Janet Boldt
Song Leader: Sue Greenstreet
Pianist: Deberah Shears
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers: Helmut Lemke
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Hannelore Schowalter

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