January 19, 2003

Henry Neufeld - “Peter's miracles and preaching”

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Henry Neufeld continued our series on the book of Acts by speaking on several topics drawn from chapter 3: beggars, being healed by faith, and conversion. The energetic early church was attracting attention and converts. What do we do when we encounter beggars downtown? Instead of avoiding eye contact, Peter insisted on it, and on a conversation with the crippled beggar. Instead of offering money, he offered healing (with faith being credited as the agent making it possible). Formerly inadequate and never used feet and ankles "became strong" and useful. This scene gathers onlookers, so Peter gives yet another talk, explaining Jesus' death and resurrection (something which caused the apostles no end of hassles with temple authorities). Henry asked how can someone of faith obtain enough faith in order to be healed, or is that the wrong question. Next he commented on conversions in the early church. They involved adults (not children), were sometimes of the spectacular variety (but not always because some children were raised in the church like Timothy). Henry suggested that we need to avoid encouraging the ideal of specific formulas for becoming converted because God is far more creative than are we. Conversion can come as a result of a conversation with a friend, or time of healing, or from a crisis, and the list really does continue. Finally, Henry recalled the phrase, "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief." We, too, will often have doubts, for this has been the case from the beginning of the church. But various levels and struggles with unbelief can indeed be helped. [JEK]


Passage: Acts 3
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Henry Neufeld
Worship Leader: Paul Thiessen
Song Leader: Nubia Martens
Pianist: Deberah Shears
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Deborah Shears


Bring Flowers: John & Erna Friesen
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Nadine Neudorf

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