November 25, 2018

Janet Boldt - “Pilgrimage in a GPS era”

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In an era when we blindly navigate using the Global Positioning System (GPS), Janet Boldt gave us the analogy of how paper maps and a navigator can enrich a journey, as the Bible and companions in faith can help us through life. While technology can fail, God can provide our internal compass. The "little old lady from Pasadena" was a weekly pen pal who helped Janet in her path from inner-city ministry in Fresno to teaching at Columbia Bible College in Abbotsford. Janet's grandmother Emma left a diary of her time as a Deaconess in Ukraine, which she is now compiling into a book. If we get lost trying to understand theology, we can be held by God and a community of fellow travelers. May we learn to walk in the company of those who know The Way. [KH]


Passage: 2 Samuel 23.1-7; Revelation 1.4b-8
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Eternity Sunday
Potluck Lunch: Yes
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Janet Boldt
Worship Leader: Travis Martin
Song Leader: Angela Ruthven
Pianist: Curtis Funk
Usher: Diane Ehling
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