August 18, 2002

Mark Greenstreet - “Plagues 1-9”

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Mark Greenstreet dealt with the plagues facing the Egyptians. Mark stressed that the Exodus rendition is not a historical account but rather a liturgy for the Passover. Just as we know the Christmas and Easter stories, the Jews know the Passover story. The genealogy in Exodus 6 marks a major transition point in the life of the Jewish people: from patriarchs to the fulfillment of promises. Pharaoh’s challenge - "Who is God that I should obey him? - begins the unjust repression of the Jewish people. The plagues come in three cycles with three plagues in each cycle. Mark noted that Pharaoh took the initiative in hardening his heart in response to the plagues. Pharaoh was seen as a god (descendant of the sun gods), and the plagues refute Pharaoh’s claim to divinity. Themes from this passage include Gods¹¹sovereignty, God as deliverer, and God’s command of nature. Mark drew a parallel between the Exodus plagues and the 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bulls of the Book of Revelation. In Revelation John uses the same pattern as in Exodus and instead of Egyptians dying, God’s son dies; instead of the blood of the Nile, we have the blood of Jesus. The response to all of this is worship: the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and he will reign forever and ever. (HN)


Passage: Exodus 7-10
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Mark Greenstreet
Worship Leader: Paul Thiessen
Song Leader: Andrea Siemens
Pianist: Cynthia Friesen
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Carman Thiessen


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