June 27, 2004

Margaret Carey - “Poverty & ministry to those in need”

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Margaret Carey (Oberlin College and former resident of the Centre) spoke on “Poverty and ministry to those in need”. An accomplished violist with a double major in Music and English, Margaret is still reflecting on her visit to Mexico. While a scholarship student attending a private American liberal arts college with tuition costs of USA$40-50K, she saw the ravages of rampant and endemic poverty surrounding the gated enclaves of the wealthy family with whom she stayed in Mexico. During her talk, she searched for causes of debilitating poverty (constraints arising from widespread corruption in business and government, destruction of the environment, unfair labour practices). Sometimes we argue that education can help, yet she noted that Florida, which has a reasonable level of education, has unbelievable poverty intermingled with vast stretches of properties devoted to wealthy ‘snow birds’. It always gives liberal Christians (like me) hope when young adults seriously ponder societal problems in the context of faith. As numerous members of our little congregation demonstrate, this concern can continue to influence one’s life choices not only when young but also while in the midst of a busy career or during post-career/family years as one elects to do volunteer work of many kinds locally or abroad, or to devote financial resources to the relief of poverty. [JEK]


Passage: --
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Margaret Carey
Worship Leader: Evan Kreider
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Pianist: J Evan Kreider
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Janice Kreider

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