March 20, 2005

Janet Boldt - “Reconciliation: mercy & truth have met together”

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Our service was crowned with Janet Boldt’s talk on Reconciliation: Mercy and truth have come together” sparked by Psalm 85:10, including a sensitive song written and played on the guitar by Janet’s husband Ernie Doerksen. Janet introduced the strength of relationships with a fable about boys instructed to break a bundle of sticks and unable, and then instructed to break them individually and able. In the face of conflicting needs to, on one hand, be fully ones’ self, and on the other to be in community (Jean Vanier), reconciliation means more than merely restructuring power and resources. It means the changing of relationships. Four disciplines that reconciliation stand on (from Ron Kraybill) include reflection, to sit with the pain and discover our humanness; truth-telling, which at its highest level asks for forgiving without forgetting; transcendence, the possibility to imagine a world differently from our experience, whether through someone or through Scripture; and vulnerability, the union of risk and trust. God adds his magic to reconciliation with the word “through”. This power in reconciliation is made available through God, not in spite of him, and restores us. And we, knowing the truth about ourselves, reach out to restore our neighbour. In war-torn countries, neighbours who no longer feel like neighbours need the power of reconciliation. An excellent question period spanned the gamut from family, to friends, corporate relationships to international ones. [AP]


Passage: Mt 21:1-11
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Palm Sunday
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Janet Boldt
Worship Leader: Veronica Dyck
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Pianist: Kathryn Schmidt
Usher: Jeff Schulz
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Karl Brown


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Jaclyn Smith

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