August 11, 2002

Janet Boldt - “Slavery in Egypt”

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Janet Boldt contrasted the response of the Jews in Chapter 4 the previous week “They believed, they bowed down, and they worshipped.” with the very different tone taken by Pharaoh, and later the Israelites in the midst of their exodus travail. She pointed out several expressions of disbelief or disrespect. Pharaoh’s question “Who is this Lord that I should worship him?”among the first, is later answered by God with plagues, but God’s intended answer is that all should know God’s sovereignty , desire to be known, and concern for Israel’s suffering. The Israelites ask the next question “Lord, why have you brought trouble upon this people?”, and so we also ask, why does God take so long to rescue? Why destroy another people to do it? Believing opens us up to disappointment. Yet God continually liberated Israel with the words spoken every Seder “Next year in Jerusalem....” The puzzle of the genealogy in the middle of the action in chapter 5 is neatly answered by Janet by illustration of African practice, in times of crisis, to remind us of the struggles of our ancestors who sought the same things we do - to have God hear people in despair, and “to protect us from the Egypt[s] of [our] own making.” (Joyce Rupp) [AP]


Passage: Exodus 5-6
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Picnic in Maple Grove Park
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Janet Boldt
Worship Leader: Herb Reesor
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Pianist: Edward Kehler
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Children's Feature Leader: Heather Schneidereit


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