May 03, 2015
Angelika Dawson - “Take Heart”
Sermon Recording: Download
Angelika Dawson from the Communitas Supportive Care Society, in a message for Mental Health Week, offered her personal perspective on caring for those who are working toward mental wellness. If we find ourselves facing a mental illness, the Bible encourages us to be courageous and honestly share our need, and to be content with small successes on the path from the dark to the light. May God give us the strength to be a patient, open listener -- a friend and advocate for those needing mental health support. [KH] Other helpful resources include Sanctuary Ministries (including the Living Room peer support groups), the BC division of the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia (AnxietyBC), the British Columbia Schizophrenia Society, the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and the Mood Disorders Association of British Columbia.
Passage: John 16:29-33, Psalm 139, Philippians 4:4-7, Romans 8:37-39
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Mental Health Awareness Week
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No
Speaker: Angelika Dawson
Worship Leader: Rosie Perera
Song Leader: Andre Pekovich
Pianist: Rosemary Bell
Usher: Peter Neudorf
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:
Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper: Andre Pekovich
Sound Helper:
Child Care Volunteer: