December 29, 2002

Janice Kreider - “The ascension; electing Matthias”

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Janice Kreider initiated our new series of sermons on the book of Acts. She focused mainly on Acts 1:12-14, the part of the story which reminds us that early Christians experienced Jesus as a group (more than as individuals), that they spent much time together in prayer, that they conducted church business meetings (to elect Matthias), and that they really had no idea how Jesus' spirit would be kept alive now that he seemed to be gone for good. Then Janice turned to the one brief phrase which mentioned that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was with the followers. Janice reviewed what we know of Mary's life as a mother, having to explain the unwanted pregnancy for nine long months, raising a child that was utterly independent (age 12 at the temple), a son who was so non-traditional that his family was convinced he was crazy, a son who publicly seemed to prefer like-minded thinkers over members of his own biological family. Mary's parenting and life experiences with Jesus can be a metaphor for our lives. We too can be disappointed, even decimated by events in life, but like Mary, we have to keep on waiting, praying. Being part of a community of love and faith (as Mary elected to do) can be tremendously useful. Mary did not understand Jesus; instead she criticized him and desperately wanted him to change--yet through it all, she apparently waited and somehow supported him (and eventually his life's goals) to the end of her life. [JEK]


Passage: Acts 1
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Janice Kreider
Worship Leader: Veronica Dyck
Song Leader: Nubia Martens
Pianist: Edward Kehler
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Mark Greenstreet


Bring Flowers: Henry & Louise Klippenstein
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: parents

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