August 04, 2002

Ruth Enns - “The birth and flight of Moses”

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Ruth Enns spoke on Exodus 1-2, a story of three women who were heroes: Moses' mother, who bravely took risks to spare her son's life; Moses' sister, who was obedient, cunning, articulate and convincing; and the Princess, who took a risk by contravening Pharaoh's decree, saved a Jewish male baby, raised and educated him at court (possibly in military affairs, for he was feared by the Egyptians when he sided with the Jews, and he later planned several battles). Ruth then looked at the Princess as a woman who raised a child that was not hers--a figure not unlike a stepmother today. One-half of today's children will live apart from one parent by age 13. Stepmothers are called to offer love to children who were not born of their bodies (aunts, uncles, grandparents have also often stepped into parenting roles beautifully). Ruth told of her two step-grandmothers, her own stepmother, and of being a stepmother. The courage, faith, and consistent love of the women in her stories are inspiring to step-parents today. These stories may also show something of the loving spirit of the unnamed Princess of Egypt. [JEK]


Passage: Exodus 1 & 2
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Ruth Enns
Worship Leader: Andre Pekovich
Song Leader: Ann Marie Neudorf
Pianist: Ruth Enns
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