February 22, 2004
Ed Epp - “The Good Samaritan”
Edward Epp set the well-known story of the good Samaritan against John Friesen’s question of a few weeks ago: “What sort of people ought we to be?” Taking us through the story, Ed noted that each of the passers-by had ample reason not to help the man who was beaten and robbed and left by the highway - the priest, to prevent defilement which would make him unable to perform his duties of intercessory sacrifice, and the Levite similarly in his supporting role. Given Judaism’s tradition of mercy to the traveller and less fortunate, it is probable that both wanted to stop and help, but they also had every reason to be blind to their fellow travellers’ need. So too was the Samaritan perfectly chosen in the story - close enough to be related to the Jews, but distant enough to be scorned, unlikely to be thought of as a saviour. As the Samaritan volunteered his time, energy and money, Ed calls us to [continue to] do likewise to help those currently lying along the highway. Ed offered his life for inspection, noting he currently lives in two places. In his home province, he lives the life he feels Christ called him to - though retired, he is active in the community coordinating two golf tournaments that raise funds for local charities including MCC. But in his adopted province, he “lives the life of Riley” and notes that while at MissionsFest this year, he saw a huge variety of places he could open his heart to serve in, even while many are denied him by virtue of the need for special talents or heavy commitment. Ed is inspired by those around him who serve, and finished by inviting us to share how we live our lives as “people who can act with kindness and social justice to people in need.” [AP]
Passage: Luke 10:25-37
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No
Speaker: Ed Epp
Worship Leader: Ed Hintz
Song Leader: Sue Dudoward
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:
Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:
Child Care Volunteer: Hannelore Schowalter