September 12, 2004

Wayne Bremner - “The Land, the People, and the Promise”

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Wayne Bremner (MCC-BC) spoke on Isaiah 58:1-12, "The Land, the People and the Promise". We hear weekly reports of destruction of homes, bombings and conflict in Palestine. Although Isaiah looked forward to Israel’’s eventual return to Palestine, he very clearly noted if the return was to succeed, Israel would need to make drastic changes in such matters as showing justice to the foreigners living among them and treating poor people fairly. Our modern images of Palestinians come largely from propaganda in our media, showing young men throwing rocks or speaking of suicide bombing. Wayne offered other images by telling stories of Palestinians he met, of Christian Palestinians simply trying to be good Christian families, of a Christian Palestinian woman simply trying to be a good teacher (against all odds). After the United Nations formed the state of Israel in 1948 (partly as a solution to the harsh plight of European Jews), and the state of Palestine (still not really completed 50 years later because of the occupation), the European plight was shifted to the some 750,000 Palestinians forced to flee 412 ancient villages, lands which their families had owned since antiquity. Wayne emphasised that in 1948 there was a real need to find a place to settle refugees, and that the promise of land was central to many Old Testament writers. But he also stressed that God’’s promise of land was predicated upon justice, that God’’s promise to Abraham resulted not so much in land but in a Kingdom which was not land-based, and that Paul argued that under God there is neither Jew nor Greek——that a new world concept is available. The covenant was meant to be a relationship with God, not just real estate. [JEK]


Passage: Isaiah 58:1-8
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Student welcome BBQ and start of children's programming for fall session
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Wayne Bremner
Worship Leader: Andre Pekovich
Song Leader: J Evan Kreider
Pianist: Cynthia Friesen
Usher: Erna Friesen
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Cynthia Friesen


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Janice Kreider

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