August 14, 2005

Henry Neufeld - “The leading of God”

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Henry Neufeld reflected on God's being present and leading. The book of Exodus tells of the Israelites being led by God day and night. Although there may be times in our lives when we have felt led, we can likely relate more easily to Paul's notion of, at best, seeing through a glass darkly. Chances are that each of us has experienced God's leading, and yet we have also wished for that elusive 'pillar of fire' to be with us, guide and bless us. More often we simply do not recognise that God is indeed present and offering guidance. For example, the two men walking to Emmaus after Jesus died felt confused and lost, not even being able to recognise Jesus until he "broke bread" with them. Although bread is hardly one of life's exotic elements, Christ invited his pals to remember him every time they ate bread and sipped some wine. This challenges us to learn to remember Jesus and look for his presence in our ordinary actions. We may prefer the clarity of the Mount of Transfiguration, but our ordinary things in life are far more likely to be blessed by God. As soon as Jesus vanished from the two men eating in Emmaus, they were left with what they had before-bread, wine, friendship, faith. But each of those, and many others things, can remind us of Christ's presence and life, for he loved good food and wine, spent entire days walking and talking with his friends and new acquaintances. He often managed to use times of eating and chatting as opportunities to talk about the deeper issues of life, society and even faith. At the conclusion of the meditation, we were served communion by Henry and Hilda Hildebrand. [JEK]


Passage: Rom:11:28-32; Psalm 67
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Communion
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Henry Neufeld
Worship Leader: Henry Neufeld
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Pianist: Kathryn Schmidt
Usher: Erika Hannan
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