July 09, 2006

Maureen Klassen - “Transfiguration and Transformation”

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Maureen Klassen spoke on the Transfiguration, a topic and feast generally ignored today. She began by asking, "How does the life of Christ transform your life?" Both Moses and Elijah were themselves familiar and comfortable with the supernatural and with the concept of people being transformed by God. They were therefore appropriate participants in this event. The three disciples were possibly allowed to witness this revelation of glory for our benefit. Peter wrote about the event (2 Peter 1:17-18) and although John's gospel does not mention it, his writings are nevertheless filled with images of the supernatural and the glory of God. On the mount, the Jesus the disciples knew was transformed--more fully revealed--when they briefly caught a glimpse of the fullness of the Godhead. Do we need to experience this type of revelation in order to appreciate more fully the person and role of Jesus? What does it mean for us to 'partake the glory of God'? God is constantly trying to break into our lives and to live in and through us, trying to transform us. [JEK] No audio recording is available.


Passage: Mt 17:1-10, 1Pe 1:16-19
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Maureen Klassen
Worship Leader: Erna Friesen
Song Leader: Rosie Perera
Pianist: Jeff Schulz
Usher: Peter Neudorf
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader: Karl Brown


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