June 13, 2004

Don Teichroeb - “Transgression & Forgiveness”

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A prophet confronting David about his transgression, a Psalm of forgiveness, and a woman washing Jesus feet were the were the accounts Don Teichroeb focussed on two weeks ago in his message. A sinful woman visits Jesus, says nothing while she washes and dries his feet and forcing Jesus to explain to his host how he reacts to others. Letting her hair down was culturally shocking and Jesus is blamed for allowing this outrageous behaviour; spiritual people need to behave properly and avoid scandal. Jesus tells about the two debtors and asks that we imagine the appreciation of the one who's been forgiven a lot. Great forgiveness provides opportunities for great love. Don said we read the Bible at different levels: the literal, where we understand the historical meaning and context; the contextual, when we relocate the text in the salvation story and see it in the broader context; the moral, when we allow the text to shape our behaviour, and the mystical when we allow the power of the Word to lift us closer to God. Don commented that we are obsessed with getting to the bottom line, we read the Bible the way we read a newspaper - and short circuit our spiritual growth. He suggested we slow down our intellectual metabolism and read (be alert to a word or phrase), then reflect (ponder the images), respond (what is God calling us to do?), and wrestle (remain quiet, contemplate) and receive the word. (HN)


Passage: --
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Don Teichroeb
Worship Leader: Diane Schartner
Song Leader: Eric Hannan
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Carrie Wiebe

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