March 19, 2006

Menno Simons Centre Students - “Vignettes of Life at MSC”

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Residents of The Menno Simons Centre led the worship service, provided music, and one after another, stood to share stories which show how living in community at the Centre has shaped and even transformed their lives. 1 Cor. 13 speaks of love being patient and kind, two qualities several speakers acknowledged as being important for successful communal living. People also told of spontaneous evening and weekend activities, times of praying tgether, of long discussions which ultimately help them understand that being in Christ's church is more important than are the differing points of view on issues. Since students never really know what lies ahead in careers and lives, discussions on life can last until 4 a.m. Students also thanked members of PGIMF for providing this form of subsidized housing, for providing a Centre in which they can explore living in Christian community, for the monthly potlucks, occasional banquets, weekly deliveries of bread, the fall and spring cleaning days, gardening, maintenance work, committee work in the background, and for Kris and Kathryn's friendship and leadership. This was one of the most moving validations of the Centre I have witnessed. Since the Centre continues to be our congregation's main project, it was wonderful hearing these words as the Centre's 20th academic year draws to a close. [JEK]


Passage: 1Cor 13
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Lent III
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Menno Simons Centre Students
Worship Leader: Menno Simons Centre
Song Leader:
Usher: Erna Friesen
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer:

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