November 13, 2005

Laura Loewen - “Walls or Bridges?”

Sermon Recording: Download


On November 13th, Peace Sunday, Laura Loewen (Director of MCC-BC) spoke on Ephesians 2:11-22. Israel now has a dividing wall of about 720 kms separating farmers from their rich fields and wells. That wall recalls the former Berlin wall and the so-called 'Homeland', walls intending to keep some people in, but more importantly they are built to keep out people who are different than we. Ephesians talks about invisible walls which were very real indeed, attitudes which separated Jews from non-Jews. Paul portrayed Jesus as a bridge builder, as someone who tried to help people affected by walls. Taking that as a model, MCC is presently pondering how to build bridges between Christianity and other faiths. In the context of Peace Sunday, Laura reminded us that peace making needs to be part of our daily lives. If we cannot help solve the smaller personal conflicts in our lives, how can we ever dream of the world itself becoming peaceful? She then told stories of individuals quietly working locally at making peace with people who were in conflict with them. There are many paths which can lead to peace, paths as seemingly simple (yet very difficult) as playing together, forgiving, letting hurts go without being avenged, and praying for those to whom we ought to be building bridges. [JEK] No bulletin is available.


Passage: Ephesians 2:11-22
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Peace Sunday
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Laura Loewen
Worship Leader: Janice Kreider
Song Leader: Evan Kreider
Pianist: Kathryn Schmidt
Usher: Harold Neufeld
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Christine Unruh

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