October 02, 2005

Janet Boldt - “What do you think of Christ?”

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Dorothy L. Sayers informed Janet’s talk today on What think you of Christ? Reflections from Dorothy L. Sayers. A woman who held herself apart from society’s expectations of the time, part of the first class of women ever granted degrees from Oxford in the early 1900s, contemporary of Tolkein, C.S. Lewis & Clarence Williams, she was known for her controversial radio play series The man born to be king aired first on BBC. She wrestled with how to present God as God, and as human, a person, in contrast with her East Anglian upbringing. She strove to present the inner workings of Christ’s life as a thing that actually happened - not liturgically or symbolically, but in reality. She worked hard to present this passion as reality, to demonstrate the full humanity of our Lord. The Man Born to be King caused controversy, and despite the Lord Chamberlain’s edict against her work, the radio production was the most-listened to broadcast the BBC had ever had. Scenes feature Jesus catching up on news and events with people and children, easy-going, witty, sharp, grim, aloof, sad and determined by turns. He was unconcerned with male dignity when around women. “God was executed by people of a society painfully like our own... in a bloody, dusty, sweaty and sordid business. Yet God bore this too...” quotes Janet. Accused of importing all sorts of figments into her drama, she responded that nothing so exposes inconsistencies in theology as to submit it to the stage for performance. Sayers never wavered on the divine nature of God and Jesus in her work, which touched believers and others alike with their fervour. [AP]


Passage: Philippians 2:5-11
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: World Communion Day
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Janet Boldt
Worship Leader: E & J Kreider
Song Leader: Sue Greenstreet
Pianist: Kathryn Schmidt
Usher: Erika Hannan
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers:
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer: Sharon J.

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