April 01, 2007

Veronica Dyck - “Worship Service”

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Veronica Dyck designed another of her wonderful services last Sunday, giving us booklets in which she interwove scripture passages and hymns relating to the themes of Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday. In place of a talk, she shared several meditative readings on the day's themes. For instance, "On the road to Jerusalem" reminded us that Jesus is calling us to practice our faith, just as he so pointedly asked his generation to practice theirs. He is also possibly asking us to weep over our city for the very same reasons that he wept over Jerusalem. On that first Palm Sunday, people asked Jesus to silence those who were cheering for the hope of change in society and religion. Do we wish today's voices calling for change would be muted? Are we caught in the middle, thinking that we possibly ought to be crying out for change, yet finding ourselves afraid to do so, or only willing to acknowledge the need for change during the safety of sharing time? Veronica then led us through a Litany of Prayers reflecting on the Stations of the Cross, and this was followed by Communion. [JEK]


Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event: Palm Sunday
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Veronica Dyck
Worship Leader: Veronica Dyck
Song Leader: Ann Marie Neudorf
Pianist: Ruth Enns
Usher: Erika Hannan
Zoom Coordinator:
Children's Feature Leader:


Bring Flowers: SUSIE FUNK
Coffee Helper:
Sound Helper:


Child Care Volunteer:

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