August 01, 2004

Janice Kreider - “You are not your possessions”

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Janice Kreider spoke on the theme of riches, using the four lectionary texts. Newsweek recently reported that the world's most happy nation is actually suffering poverty, whereas the truly wealthy nations are filled with discontent and fearful citizens. Psalm 49, Luke 12:13- and much of Ecclesiastes reiterate the truth that all of us will die, asking the question of those now working to accumulate and retain wealth: What will become of your assets and plans when you are gone? Some people try to live on through their writings (which are quickly outdated and usually superseded even before the person retires), family (which forgets all but names, dates, and the odd story after several generations have passed), financial legacies (foundations' ideals and trustees are notorious for changing radically with the passage of time), or creating ways of doing things at work (but successors likewise create new ways). This sobering scenario quietly draws us back to the biblical question: What will endure? While we ponder the imponderable, it then takes yet another opportunity to remind us of the fruits of the spirit--relational possibilities which will further the Kingdom. In modern terms, these passages advise us to forget our dreams of leaving estates and financial legacies to descendants and charities, and instead, the passages advise us to focus on investing in lives and relationships now. [JEK]


Passage: Col 3:1-17
Communion: No
Ecumenical or Event:
Potluck Lunch: No
Congregational Meeting: No


Speaker: Janice Kreider
Worship Leader: Andre Pekovich
Song Leader: Erna Friesen
Pianist: Cynthia Friesen
Usher: Rovin Karuna
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